Operation Mindfall
An Outdoor Spy Adventure With a License To Thrill!
Using a GPS equipped iPad, you'll walk to various locations in Downtown Bloomsburg to solve clues and find secrets! That poster you see... is it a clue? That sticker in the storefront... is it really a safe is disguise? Using a unique blend of augmented reality, physical locations, and a bag of gadgets, do you have what it takes accomplish your mission? You'll have 90 MINUTES to accomplish your mission.
The Story:
Our sources report a secretive organization has developed a virus for mind control and has already infected 20% of the world population. To stop this powerful influence, we created Operation Mindfall and have chosen you as our agents. Your task in simple: Obtain the antidote and save the world! Nothing is beneath a team of your skills... We are counting on you!
NOTE: Can U Xcape has partnered with Cluetivity to bring you this exciting OUTDOOR Adventure! This adventure is for groups of up to 6 MAX and is held rain or shine.

"The most important mission of your life!"
Laura Hunt
“Watch where you walk, and always keep your friends close”
The Little Orphan
“I never saw that coming!”